Ever heard of the term Pellagra? Actually pellagra is a disease caused by a severe dietary deficiency of, Niacin (vitamin B3) and the proteins containing amino acid, Tryptophan.
The long-term effects of poor diet are catastrophic. The slow, wasting effect on the body from the onset of pellagra creates a slumbering, lethargic appearance and personality.
Pellagra is known as the sickness of the four “D’s” :
Which are the main symptoms of pellagra. However there are other symptoms of Pellagra which include:
The first sign of pellagra is a reddening of the skin on hands, arms, feet, and face. Many people who has pellagra might think that they are having sunburn or poison oak. However symptoms become unmistakable when reddened skin crusted over and peeled away leaving tell-tale butterfly-like lesions on the face. Following up with it is serious digestive disturbances and a general feeling of malaise. In serious cases, the sufferer might end up becoming INSANE!
Pellagra is usually common in certain parts of the world, especially in people consuming large quantities of corn like Africa and Mexico. This is because corn is poor in niacin and tryptophan. Niacin in corn is tightly bound to protein, and thus poorly absorbed. (corn is a staple for the people living in these areas) However, corn can be treated with an alkaline solution of lime, which releases the niacin and helps prevent pellagra. Also, pellagra seldom occurs among people in Latin America, since they eat tortillas, in which the preperation greatly increases the bioavailability of niacin in corn.
The Key to preventing the disease is adequate niacin in the diet. Nevertheless poor people are not able to raise or purchase those items of diet which would maintain them in health. Moreover, few families could afford to consistently eat niacin-rich fresh meat, fruits, vegetables, milk, and eggs.
Now we know that corn/maize is the cause of Pellagra. But...what is ironically is that pellagra is prevented by treatment of maize-flour with lime (also known as "alkali cooking"), which increases the availability of the niacin. weird isn't it?!? It has now been proven that the lime treatment makes niacin nutritionally available and reduces the chance of developing pellagra.

When your body’s calcium intake is low, it then takes it from your bones, and sometimes the body may take too much calcium from your bones. When there is an excess amount of calcium in your blood because of its extraction from the bone, a new problem arises and instead of depositing it into the bone, the extra calcium is deposited in damaged organs and arteries. Because Calcium is a hard mineral, when it collects in organs and arteries, it causes them to harden as well.
Do you think a stiff heart can pump well? Or how long do you think hard arteries can sustain?
Arteriosclerosis is a disease that occurs due to the hardening of the arteries. It is obviously harder for the heart to push blood through stiff tubes and in the long run, will weaken the heart in the long run and by then, the calcium will be deposited in the heart and as a result, cause the heart to harden. A stiff heart, being inflexible, will have to work harder than it usually would, and will not function for long.
When you consume too much alcohol, fatty deposits accumulate in the liver, and can develop into a disease called Cirrhosis. The fatty deposits cause the liver to be unable to carry out metabolic processes. Because it is damaged, calcium will eventually be deposited into the liver, which further limits its ability to perform its functions, resulting in the liver not being able to function for long as well.Calcium is needed to store glycogen, which is the energy source for muscles. If our bodies were unable to store glycogen, we would have to eat constantly to maintain the glycogen needed to carry out our daily activities. When you do not have sufficient Calcium, you can suffer painful muscles spasms in the wee hours of the morning. Calcium is therefore important to muscle contractions as it helps calm the nerves and is a vital component of the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord, where the calcium level is kept constant no matter the levels of calcium in the rest of your body.
How can you prevent Arteriosclerosis?
Again, ensure that calcium is taken in by the body daily.