every child has the right to lead a carefree life...
but what happen to this child?!?!
This post is specially for pregnant mother ESPECIALLY those who are on birth control pills!
today we would talk about FOLIC ACID..
Knowing a few important facts about folic acid could help keep you from developing heart disease, depression and dementia and even keep your unborn baby from developing birth defects. Yes, there are many critical benefits of folic acid! So read carefully…
Folic acid is an essential part of cellular division and DNA synthesis. One of the most significant medical discoveries of the twentieth century is that folic acid supplementation can reduce infant neural tube birth defects by 48 to 80 percent. That's a 48 to 80 percent decrease in the risk of someone having to spend their life in a wheelchair, with bowel and bladder control problems, and a shunt to control fluid levels in their brain.
I feel that mothers taking birth control pills should know that a side effect of these pills is the depletion of folic acid. Ignorance of the damaging link between birth control pills, folic acid deficiency would result in to horrifying consequences.
The neural tube is a fold of tissue that runs the length of the developing embryo and that ultimately develops into the central nervous system. If this tube fails to close at the top, the baby is born with only a very small brain or with no brain, and will usually die with a few hours or days. If it fails to close at the base of the spine the result is usually a crippling paralysis of the lower extremities, and a number of associated health problems.
Most birth defects from folic acid deficiency will occur within the first few weeks of pregnancy when most women don't even realize they are pregnant. So pre-pregnancy supplementation is crucial, and even more so for women on birth control pills since a side effect of these pills is the depletion of folic acid.
Deficiency Symptoms:
· Anemia
· canker sores
· digestive disturbances
· graying hair
· growth problems
· impaired circulation
· fatigue
· mental depression
These are some food which you can get Folic acid from.
- Mushrooms
- Liver
- Broccol
- Asparagus
- lima beans
- green leafy vegetables.
- Scurvy leads to the formation of liver spots on the skin, spongy gums, and bleeding from all mucous membranes and the spots are most abundant on the thighs and legs
- a Scurvy sufferer looks pale, feels depressed, and is partially immobilized.
Long ago, Scurvy was common among sailors and pirates, mainly those who were out at at for long periods, who did not eat much fruit and vegetables. Its cause and cure has been known in many native cultures since prehistory.
In 1536, a French explorer
Jacques Cartier, exploring theSt Lawrence River, used the local natives' knowledge to save his men who were dying of scurvy by boiling the
needles of the arbor vitae and tree (Eastern White Cedar) to make a tea that was later shown to contain 50 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams.
Today, we don't boil needles of certain trees. We just eat fruit and vegetables rich in Vitamin C such as Lime, Oranges, and lemons. :D